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Searching for the Light

The sun had burned off the morning haze and ushered in a beautifully-bright June day.  The warm breeze was gentle, and the deep blue sky was spotted with puffy, cumulus clouds.

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On days like this it’s easy to understand Jesus’ proclamation:

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

John 8:12   NIV

The sunshine surrounds me and illuminates everything.  It is  the engine of photosynthesis that provides food for man and animal.  Sunlight heals.  It banishes the deep shadows.


Sometimes the light is muted, weak.  High humidity at dawn can drape the morning with a heavy haze,

but the sun is still there.


Sometimes sunshine is hidden, obscured.  Storms swirl and veil the sun.  The word “hide” means “conceal from sight,”  not destroy or eradicate.

The sun is still there.


When the rainstorm scrubs the world clean, and the light is shrouded in the final wisps of clouds and is captured in rain-washed reflections,

the sunshine is still there.


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Sometimes when the sun has slipped below the horizon, the only light is what is reflected in sunset clouds.

But the light is still there.

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Is your life today as warm and cheerful as a bright summer’s day?  Soak in the rays and rejoice!

Are there troubles on the horizon, making it hard to see how the future will unfold?  Let the light of God guide you.

Are the storms of life–illness and injury, financial setbacks, broken relationships–clouding your days?  Have faith that the radiant glow of the Lord’s compassion shines behind the thunderhead.

Are you facing the loss of a loved one in the dark grief of sunset?  The blazing love of Jesus is a light that will comfort you as you mourn.

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Jesus is the Light you need every day, every kind of day, in every circumstance.  Look to Him.

Seek the Light.

But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.

Deuteronomy 4:29   NIV

*           *           *           *           *

Diane W. Bailey  linking with Diane Bailey

Essential Fridays Linkup





linking with Essential Thing Devotions






linking with Holley Gerth



Thankful 30: Day 16–Sunset Rain

I have joined Emily’s* 30 Day Challenge:

I’m challenging myself to post a picture every day during the month of November (30 Days To Be Thankful For) and to add a caption as to why I am thankful. — Emily

Day 16, November 16

I am grateful that I live in the country, so that I can see a sky full of glory like this.


Late this afternoon the “scattered thundershowers” of the weather forecast coincided with the setting sun.


The dark clouds full of heavy, splashing drops scudded past our farm.  I’m thankful I was  home and was able to watch the cumulus bloom.


Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord from the heavens;
praise him in the heights above.  Psalm 148:1   NIV


Praise him, you highest heavens
and you waters above the skies.   Psalm 148:4


Praise him, sun and moon;
praise him, all you shining stars.   Psalm 148:3   NIV


See Thankful 30 page for every day’s entry.

* name changed