The Stuff of Miracles

I am grateful for small things today:


  • diminutive crab apples, food for hungry birds


  • fine curlicues on a yucca plant


  • delicate veins of a husk cherry


  • seed head of a stunted purple coneflower


  • gossamer “wings” of milkweed seed.

The sun sets so early now that I didn’t think I’d have time for a walk outside before the light failed, but I decided a short stroll was better than none.

If I hadn’t gone, I might not have discovered the silky filaments of the milkweed.

If I’d believed the lie that a small amount of time was worthless, I would have missed a comical robin hopping branches, gobbling crab apples.

I wouldn’t have seen the setting sun ignite a translucent oak leaf.

The wooly bear caterpillar would have inched away unobserved, miniature pumpkins would have remained hidden under frost-withered leaves, and the year’s last violet might have been mowed instead of celebrated.


If I hadn’t I hadn’t taken advantage of the few minutes available, I might have missed these small gifts of grace and lost the opportunity to give thanks.

And I would have missed the miracle of joy that came with a grateful heart.


Small things, the stuff of miracles . . . do you remember this story?

a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish  John 6:9

and then

Jesus . . . took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.  John 6:11

Gratitude peels away the veil of the mundane, whether it’s fishes or flowers, and reveals the miraculous. Gratitude opens a way to experience a joy that satisfies. The people in the crowd were seated (they stopped); they heard or watched Jesus give thanks (gratitude); and they ate as much as they wanted (joy and contentment).

For small things, the stuff of miracles, I’m grateful.


Revisiting a post from 2013

Posted on October 22, 2015, in Devotional and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 25 Comments.

  1. Lovely images and thoughts, Constance. I’m glad you went out for a walk anyways. Gratitude makes the minute grand.
    Blessings ~ Wendy

  2. Wonder-FULL post, Connie! Giving thanks raises our joy quotient…and walking improves our attitude too 🙂 I posted a quote on thankful theme and hope to add a poem later…

  3. So beautiful! I am going to look closer today at the little things and give thanks! Thank you!

  4. This is a beautiful reminder to take advantage of the small moments in our day to see His beauty. Thank you for sharing at Weekend Whispers.

  5. Following you from Still Saturday. Love your list of little things and beautiful pictures.
    Thank you,

  6. There is never a moment too small or insignificant to seek gratitude and look for blessings!

  7. Oh, how grateful I am … right with you. As I strolled along your way, I loved seeing these small and beautiful layers of God’s natural world. I have not seen crab apples since I was a girl in Virginia, although you share much lovelier things, I must admit. Just a memory came flooding back. God is great in the large and the small.

    • Linda, I’m so glad to have you stop by! I’m glad the little crab apples could ignite childhood memories.
      I’ve heard people describe our section of the country as a “flyover” zone, not worthy of traveling through. How much they miss! And how much I missed when I traveled quickly and didn’t take time to notice the details under my feet or in front of my face.
      Yes, God is great!

  8. beautiful photos – beautiful words – beautiful reminder to see the extra-ordinary in the ordinary! Sweet, beautiful blessing!

  9. Lovely images. A friend of mine asked loved ones to send her colorful leaves in the mail. As I scanned the yard yesterday I was thankful to realize she’d given us the gift of a scavenger hunt! May I remember to seek and find even when the time and space, the light, seem short!

    • I take the beauty of our changing seasons for granted and forget that not everyone experiences that. I imagine your kids had a great time finding leaves to send to your friend. Your small gift to her will turn into a big blessing!

  10. Love this line, “Gratitude peels away the veil of the mundane”. God’s been working on me in this area. Bless you Constance!

  11. I love this connection to John 6! Small things that God can multiply, the practice of attention and gratitude…well said.

  12. Beautiful images and such wonderful things to be grateful for!

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